One should not be at the mercy
of one’s feelings and sentiments,
but master of oneself always.
Sri Aurobindo
of one’s feelings and sentiments,
but master of oneself always.
Integral Somatic Psychology – ISP
What is Integral Somatic Psychology?
Integral Somatic Psychology is a method that enhances the effectiveness of psychotherapies. Developed by Dr. Raja Selvam, it claims to be integral, as it encompasses the spiritual, energetic and physiological levels of the body in relation to thoughts, emotions and behaviors, and considers the individual, collective and global environment. The ISP® method does not seek to relax the body; rather, Dr. Raja Selvam’s proposal is to keep the psycho-emotional experience alive by spreading the somatic manifestations of an emotion as far as possible throughout the body, so that it can relearn to tolerate and regulate them more effectively. This process often leads to clarification at both cognitive and behavioral levels.